Thursday, June 17, 2010


Buenos Dias!

My name is Carli Orsi and I am a Cal Poly graduate. I just recently graduated this year in June with a B.A. in English, minors in Spanish and Linguistics, and a TESL Certificate. I was a Peer Minister at Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church in San Luis Obispo, cleaned houses, tutored a seventh grade student, and loved my time in SLO. I really enjoy hiking, backpacking, bonfires at the beach, making new friends, cooking, talking and, of course, reading!

I found out about this mission trip to Bolivia when I went on a retreat to Camp Ocean Pines with the Lutheran Church and met Kristyn and Dave Mitchell. I expressed my desire to travel abroad again (I studied in Spain for 4 months in the Fall of 2008), and Kristyn quickly informed me of her plans for a Bolivia mission trip. I jumped at the opportunity to be involved with a faith based group volunteering their time to serve God. I am very excited to experience a new culture, meet the wonderful Bolivian people, and see how God works through me to help others in need. I also anticipate God working through the many people that I will encounter daily to challenge me, changing my views of the world and myself. One of my odd goals in life that I am hoping to achieve while in Bolivia is spearing a fish! I would love to make my own spear out of obsidian and wood, and spear my own fish to eat for dinner... we'll see how that works out. I'll keep you posted. : )

I am from a small town named Ukiah in Northern California where my dad, mom, younger brother and sister live. This will be the first summer that I do not go home and I will miss my family very much but I am confident that we will enjoy sharing our experiences when I return. One week after my return from Bolivia, I will be attending Sacramento State University for my Single Subject Teaching Credential in English. It is a one year program that will certify me to teach Secondary School. Someday, I hope to get my Masters in Spanish and therefore, am thrilled to practice my Spanish skills all summer.

Thanks for all your support and prayers during our mission trip! God is good!


  1. Carli, You are amazing!!!!!!! We always new you would do great things. Take care of Ty Boy and good luck with that fishing thing. Don't get to close to the edge, you know I don't like that. If nothing else brush and floss daily. Hee Hee. The kids in the video bring tears to my eyes. Give them lots of love. Take care of yourself, Love Mom.

  2. Carli,
    You will be missed but have copious amounts of fun. Make sure T-Bone keeps an eye out for you and use your best judgment! Luh you. Love, Tay

  3. Lucy, We miss you. Hope to hear from you soon. I love you . Momma

  4. Miss Carli, I hope all is well. I think of you often and wonder if you are doing ok. I always look at the weather in that area just to see what you are going through. Jim and I had such a good time coming down to your graduation and party, we drove down through the town afterwards, it looked really nice. I think Tyler is very sweet and funny and I hope you two are watching out for each other. We finally have summer weather here, 95 today. I wish you well and keep safe. I,ll write again soon. Love Aunt Julie

  5. Hi, Carli: This is the second blog I have sent; I don't know what happened to the first one. We miss you and pray for you and your group of missionaries. It is really hot here today but I wonder if it is as hot as where you are???? Keep cool! Love G&G Orsi

  6. Hi Carli,
    Really enjoy the adventures you tell about.
    Sounds like fun..enjoy.. but stay safe and healthy. Everyone take care of each other
    there. Our imaginations run a little wild and that's when we take a deep breath and say some more prayers.

    Sending our love to all,

  7. Carli,
    You and your group are in our prayers. I pray that God is moving in the hearts of the children in Bolivia that you have come alongside as well as your own! I appreciate the updates and hearing about all the adventures....keep them coming. P.S. Hope the devotional has come in handy and has helped your group to stay centered on Him!!
