Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hola mis amigos!!

That's about the extent of my spanish right there . . . Well I know a little more than that but not much, which is one of my concerns about this trip . . . but I know that God has a plan for me and each one of us for going on this exciting trip to Bolivia. For those of you who know even less spanish than me, amigos translates to friend. I'm really looking forward to all of the amigos I'm going to meet on the trip and all of the great amigos on this mission team: Chad, Carli, Andrew, Stephanie, Jonathan, Bryce, and Patrick.

So a little bit of my background . . . I grew up in Fallbrook, CA and lived there my whole life until I started college at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. I graduated this past March with a degree in civil engineering. I like to dance, and play the piano and guitar. I like to run, hike, and bike, play just about any sport. As far as music goes, I'm a country nut and I'm crazy about Brad Paisley!!

Relationships mean everything to me. First and foremost, my relationship with God. God gives me strength to do things I never thought I could do . . . like go to Bolivia!! God has blessed me with so many incredible relationships! My family is so loving and supporting as are my friends and girlfriend, Carli. I definitely don't deserve it, that's simply God's amazing love and grace!! I look forward to all of the new relationships that will form as a result of this mission trip!

Going on a mission trip to another country has been something that God has put on my heart for a while now. I'm so excited that it's finally here! It has been neat to see how God brought this mission trip into fruition. I was very active in the Lutheran and Episcopal campus ministries while in San Luis Obispo. On the ride to our annual Life and Faith Retreat that we do with the Wesley Fellowship, Carli and I met Dave, Kristyn's husband, and he told us about this trip. One thing led to the next and here we are, going on this exicting mission trip to Bolivia with this great group of people from the Wesley Methodist Fellowship. God is so good!!


  1. Hi Tyler,

    we thought of you at St. John's this morning. We are praying that this trip will bring you many blessings.

    Your grandmother Norma told us about your blog. I'll be checking it every day and print out your postings so she can follow your adventure with me.

    Stay safe,


  2. Hey, Ty Boy, How are you, hope all is well. We think about you a lot. Hoping you and Carli are taking good care of each other. How is your spanish working out. Take care, missing you Momma O...........

  3. Enjoy hearing about your adventures. Keep writing when you have time.
    Can't imagine what it is like out in the jungle all week. Sometimes our imaginations run wild! That's when we continue praying
    for health, safety, and blessings.

    Miss you.
    Sending all our love

