Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dia Numero Dos

Well here we are in Bolivia on our 3rd day, and already I feel like I'm part of the community. I feel like I already have friends here, and they call me "Choco", which they call Stephen as well even though he's been here 6 years because Choco is basically slang around here for white boy or "Gringo". But they say it somewhat out of affection. One kid likes to call me Choco loco. Which would mean crazy white boy. Anways, our second day, I woke up sweating. Apparently Trinidad was going through a heat wave. And it's always hot, but somehow I'm acclamating already. Then, we went to a morning little devotion with the teachers and staff at the school and Carlos Hugo gave a little sermon for the day. I tried hard to understand, but it's hard because I only understand bits and pieces, so I can't fully understand them yet. Then we ate breakfast at Lorna's, where I ate "Zucaritas" which are Frosted Flakes. Nothing's different except for the name. Then we were supposed to begin painting a house down the street, but we didn't have the materials yet, so we hung out with Stephen and we sorted out our money situation and we talked for a while. Then, we had lunch at the school, and we ate at the cafeteria that the kids all eat at, but we were first. So when we were finished, we were walking back to our room and a flood of kids came in, and they wanted us to eat with them, so we each sat at the head of a table of about 10kids. They all wanted to talk to us, but it was so loud already, and on top of that, it was in spanish, so I personally had a difficult time just hearing them in the first place, but I talked to them a bit. Then, we were ready to paint after a while, and so we painted at this person's house (somebody who's part of La Palmera) and we worked for about 3 hours. Then we had time to shower and it was time for dinner. We had pollo la pina, which is pineapple chicken. Then it was time for the soccer game. It was La Palmera vs. another team, Stephen is the coach for the La Palmera team. They lost, but it was a great game, and it was so cool to be there. They're a semi-pro team, but I think they were definitely at my level of play. It was a great time. Thanks for reading, and there will be more later. I'm off to go with my team to a celebration that involves people and fire. Hasta Luego. Ciao.


  1. Blessings my friends! Know that we are all very proud of you and wishing we could be there with you. Please tell everyone hello and that Tia Kristina de Seattle misses them:)

  2. ...oh yeah- Tell Lucho and Lorna that I took Irene to the zoo today in Seattle to visit the Jaguar exhibit-- Pumpkin RIP!!!

  3. Hi Andrew, Thanks for the update - I'm remembering you everyday and praying "safety". This is a third world country, is it not? But I know you'll be o.k. It's truly a wonderful opportunity and hope it will be a great blessing to your life. God bless, Grandma Jan and Grandpa Glenn

  4. Hi guys, it's so fun to hear from you all! And especially to learn that "Zucaritas" means Frosted Flakes. Boy will that make me popular at my next party! Please keep us updated on all such remarkable information, plus all the ways you are making the world a better place in Christ's name. Luv ya!
