Sunday, July 18, 2010


A few nights ago we went to the circus! We were supposed to go on Andrew´s birthday, but it was still wet from the rain and Carlos Hugo said that the clowns don´t like getting wet. haha. Anyways, it was ¨half off¨for the night because it was cold except that they doubled the prices for the night as well. :-P It was three dollars though, so no biggie. It´s litterally in a big tent set up on the ground and it reminded a lot of us of the circus in the movie A Bugs Life, sort of janky, guys dressing up like girls running around with the clowns, tight rope walkers, spotlights, etc. They had circus poodles doing tricks, knife throwers, a contortionist, dancers.. Alvin and the chipmonk dancers, hulahoop girl, trapeze artists, moto death globe cage thing.. they had three cyclists in at one time and Carli was about to cry. But the coolest thing by far was this super creepy robot guy! Andrew had a field day! It started out by some guys hauling out this statue looking person and he stood still for a while (like the ones in SF or other big cities) then he opened his mouth and it was all white inside so you didn´t know if he had a mask or not. Oh, btw, the whole act is choreographed to scary horror movie music with big metal clangs, screetchy violins, demonic laughs, and robotic sounds. So all he did for a while was walk around like a robot, looking around at you, and laughing for about 4 minutes, Andrew laughing his head off the whole time while everyone else looked terrified. Then he got off the stage and started walking through the audience. Girls ran out of their seats and pushed things over to get out of the way. After that, he went back on stage and I thought he was done, but THEN he folded in half, flipped on the ground, started bouncing around with his arms, then did a super yogini pose with his legs wrapped around this head which looked like it was coming out of his butt and did the creepy laugh again!!! His face wasn´t a mask! Perfect the whole time. Andrew and most of us agreed afterwards that the three dollars was well spent just on that act alone. Then later Andrew said he´d spend 100 dollars to see him again. hahaha.

When they were setting up the net for the trapeze people, the clowns did an act which involved some audience members and I WAS ONE OF THEM! First they had the four of us show off our muscles.. I pretty much ruled at that. Then they passed an invisible soccer ball around to each of us.. then they brought us on stage and had us do the wave. After that they had us sit on these stools, lay back on eachothers bent knees in a square, then they removed the stools so we were supporting ourselves up. It was really fun, but I had to go to the bathroom so badly! I was glad to get back home. hahaha.

What else have we done lately? We danced with Lorna´s cooks/cleaners Justa, Celestia, and Nancy discotech style. We ate crocodile tail this afternoon. We bought out the kiosk of sweet breads and ate them all. We watched La Palmera´s soccer team lose in the bitter cold. (It was still fun, though... we brought blankets) Actually, we´re waiting for another game to start right now. Bryce is still playing soccer every day and wants to buy a huge turtle shell. Stephanie ate 8 pieces of bread. Carli bought a blanket for 3 bucks. Tyler taught us the dancing term "Skank." Andrew drinks about 2 leters of Triny (fruit soda) a day. Patrick is still getting flocked by teenaged girls. Chad continues to have a healthy appetite. And I´m still taking lots of pictures.

The weather! Crazy cold for the past few days. Rain off and on. Carli thought she was going to die of hypothermia and Stephanie slept with three horse blankets on her bed on top of her sleeping bag. Milton said that it was the coldest it has been in Trinidad for 10-20 years and that 42 children died in Peru because of the cold, and now we´re really looking forward to hiking Machu Pichu. haha. But today the sun came out and it´s great California weather! YAY!



  1. Great circus story...sounds like you're having fun moments, as well as making relationships! Keep on taking those pictures!

  2. Also, what in the world does crocodile tail taste like?!!??

  3. So how's your spiritual life going amidst all of this? Would love to hear what God is speaking to you through this trip. Enjoy and glad you are taking lots of pictures!! Love, Mom Certain
