Friday, July 2, 2010

What an amazing week at camp!!

Wow, what a week! We returned from camp today after spending 5 days and 4 nights in the South American jungle. What´s so amazing is that I felt God´s presence out there more than I ever expected. This past week has truly been one of the most memorable weeks of my life. I can´t explain exactly why . . . a lot of things probably contributed to it. First and foremost were the people . . . especially the kids! I think every single one of us felt somewhat like celebrities. The kids were so interested in getting to know us! It amazed me at how well we were able to connect with these kids despite the language barrier. On that front, I feel like we are all improving and it is very encouraging to see our progress!
Hmm, what else . . . Well the days were jammed to the max! We usually got up around 7ish to loud spanish worship songs. Then we did our morning exercise and devotions. I led a group of 5 guys who ranged from 8th grade to high school. They were quiet but by the last day I was able to get a couple of them to speak a little more than just answering the regular questions. Sometimes you have to see the little victories and I hope I made somewhat of impact on them. I know they did on me!
The food was pretty good as well! I´m pleasantly surprised at how much I look the food down here! We really have been eating well! There is a lot of rice and beef. They like there pan (bread) as well. The mandarins and fried platanoes have been delicious as well! Last night, there was a bonfire for all of the graduating seniors and I felt right at home eating good old hamburgers and home-made french fries. mmmm
In the afternoon we played games. There were 4 teams and I was on the blue team (azul en español). The games were a blast, ranging from soccer games to obstacle courses and relay races. Some of these games you wouldn´t see in the U.S. simply because they are too dangerous and people would worry about getting sued. That´s one of the many things that are different about Bolivia, life is just simpler in that sense here.The kids took the games very seriously!! It was exciting to see their passion not only for the games but throughout the entire camp. Which brings me to probably my favorite part of the camp . . . worship (¡alabanza!) I really don´t remember the last time I had so much fun. They cleared the seating area and 140 kids worshiped by singing and dancing their hearts out to a live band from church!!! I just couldn´t stop smiling! It was an amazing experience to worship with them and I felt so connected to them!
There is so much more that I want to tell you but just know that it was an amazing experience. God is doing amazing things down here in Bolivia and I feel so blessed to be a part of this whole experience!! Thank you so much for the prayers and support! God bless!!


  1. Greetings from SLOUMC Children's Ministry!...sounds like you are all having an incredible experience! Please pass along my best wishes and know that many prayers are being sent your way!

    Melanie Statom

  2. Thinking of you all and praying for your health, joy, and service! It's so good to read your updates and know that you are truly using God's gifts to serve the people of Bolivia! And, of course, you're the ones God is changing and growing the most. Blessings and peace as your journey together continues.
    Pastor Jana
